Sunday, November 14, 2010

Whats that you say? Brat...III

This is the final installment of my "Brat Blogs" as I have neared the conclusion up to this date and then we can move onto more interesting topics...I hope:)

A few weeks ago the oldest daughter informed my youngest biological daughter that she was pregnant and didn't know who the dad was. This came on the heels of a fairly major break up with her long time boyfriend that I absolutely adore.

Shortly after this announcement came the "I miscarried" line that I am sure many are fully aware of from girls looking for attention and to get out of lying about being pregnant in the first place. Its a sad shame that she did this, all she did was hurt herself and her credibility with those that had previously supported her. She has now been deemed a liar, with no place to turn but back to the friends who are just as naive as she is.

Of course the prodding and poking continues, but it is not getting her anywhere thankfully. I am managing to keep my cool and not let the hurt she is causing affect me outwardly, of course as a mother it breaks my heart and she knew that lie would devastate me just to think of my daughter being pregnant and unable to be there for her and help her through it all. It was simply a lie by design to hurt those I care for.

I hope that she realizes soon that life isn't about parties, multiple partners and dangerous mistakes that could cost her a life that she once dreamed of having. So far, she has made no efforts toward her goals and is barely getting by. I can only thank my mother and my sister for destroying everything I put into my daughter in one fell swoop of ignorance.

I can hardly hold back the tears as I write this remembering the things said, the pain caused, the disruption and devastation caused by these people. They are human tidal waves destroying lives in their wake without a conscious thought to what they have done or continue to do. Of course what could I ever expect from a woman that was never a mother to me and my sister who only recently moved out on her own because our mother BUILT her a house at the tender age of 34? Did I mention my sister has no children of her own either? As the saying goes "everyone knows how to parent, except those with children."

Its a scary world when there are many enemies beating at your door, but when the enemy lives within your own four walls...there is no way to fight it except pack their bags and send them away....

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you're going through all this. I had a friend who did that once. I tried to talk her out of it, but she wouldn't listen...and she got away with it. You just hope eventually they mature enough to realize what they did was wrong.
