Saturday, August 22, 2009


What does that word inspire within you? Thoughts of the fanatic on the corner touting spiritual fulfillment and divine intervention to save your tortured soul. How about the chubby Buddha sitting in the lotus position awaiting your every worry?

It seems almost every single religion has some form of reincarnation cite in their text. Yes even Christianity has it, except with this sect its deemed “ever lasting life” within the comforts of heaven, how is it different then being reborn in another body? Its not. Christianity cites rebirth as one of its core foundations and a reason for baptism.

There is plenty of proof of “past life” experiences from children. Love at first site would be another reason to believe in it. I personally believe that the soul isn’t eternal and that some part of that soul remains open to this realm, where ever the sole ends up.

I know it sound ridiculous, but seriously; haven’t you ever felt drawn to a certain place or time or even both? I know I am drawn to a particular place and time now that a more immediate “this life” draw has been sated. I now understand the why of that draw and I am leaning towards a deeper understanding of the others as well. I’m not crazy. Trust me.

I have a great imagination, granted, but there is no way I could imagine the scents, the sense of being there, a familiarity or as a friend said to me recently “home”. How does that equate to being who I am today? Simple, if my first life or most important life to me occurred during that place and at that time, maybe that’s when I met a particular new soul that was a soul mate that now travels time with me seeking fulfillment in these new lives that we either denied ourselves or were unable to achieve then.

According to what I have read, reincarnation occurs only until the soul has achieved a particular level of knowledge before its allowed to move onto the new astral plane. With this said many accept that there are ghosts or spirits that linger bound to this place because of unfinished business. Why is it so unfathomable that it’s the same souls just waiting for new bodies or that they are unaware of waits for their unfinished lives ready to be relived in a new light.

I love the movie with Robin Williams titled “What dreams may come”, what a love story! I also have always liked the movie “Made in Heaven” another great love story. I have found my home and my soul mate once again in this lifetime. I don’t feel that it’s a doomed love story or that its reached its finale, I believe there is so much more for our souls to understand and learn.

I read once that everyone in your life is someone from the past, for instance if someone was your parent before, they could now be your child, your lover could be your arch enemy, etc. The point of living these lives is for the soul to learn what it needs to learn and grow. Only when it achieves the knowledge of the ages is the soul permitted refuge and comfort in the light.

I know your all thinking that I may have hit my head in the last few days, but I am fine, really.

When I experienced things in the past few years I have grown and learned so much about me, my life and my place in this universe. It has been both uncomfortable and often devastating, but always necessary. I am strong today because my friends and those who love me let me fall. They were there for me and tended my wounds lovingly. These souls (for the most part) that surround me are my true family, they are the ones that comfort and console me but never prevent or hinder my growth toward the knowledge and the light.

So where is your place and time? Where do you call home?


  1. I just wanted to say I love reading your blogs! I believe I feel most at home by the ocean-though I don't get to go much since I live in Indiana! Also, I had a dream about who my daughter was in a past life while I was pregnant with her...

  2. I have grown and learned so much about me, my life and my place in this universe.

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