Friday, August 21, 2009

Thats just how it is

Was her reply to her teacher when she was told that her dad had quit paying for her flute and that it needed to be picked up on friday at school.

Her young cold blue eyes not revealing the pain she feels every time he uses things to hurt her. She tries to hold a stiff upper lip but its hurting her deeply and causing such a huge hole in her young heart. Why does he have to hurt people like that? His only child has become nothing but an expense to him, someone else to take his anger and frustration out on. Why?

I know good dads. He's definately not one of them. I am just waiting on CPS to send me the final report about his abuse and their findings on him to take him to court. Of course I am not looking forward to it but how will it look if I don't stand up for her and face him? Right. I would be no better then him.

It makes me sick to think that he can just walk around without any repercussions for his actions. How does he look himself in the mirror anyway? I don't get it.

Of course there is his happy girlfriend that managed to push his buttons enough to cause the attack on Bug and now she is free and clear of "his brat" and to do whatever the hell they want without any consideration to his responsiblity to his daughter in any form.

She just shrugged over dinner last night and said "I'm so used to it mom, he's been doing it my whole life and I am numb to it anymore." It was a lie and we both knew it but didn't feel the need to call her on it.

Why? Why? Why? Why can't people treat each other decent and with respect anymore, even kids?


  1. Very poignant and beautifully written

  2. mommy, i really am glad that i have u and he was a big..... (word that i cant say) but thats just how he is.
